为推动泰国创新创业文化的发展,2024 HICOOL 全球创业大赛泰国赛区宣讲会于近日在暹罗大学成功举办。此次宣讲会吸引了众多热爱创业的学生参加,现场气氛十分热烈。
In order to promote the development of innovation and entrepreneurship culture in Thailand, the 2024 HICOOL Global Entrepreneurship Competition Thailand Division Promotion Conference was successfully held at Siam University recently. This seminar attracted many students who love entrepreneurship to participate, and the atmosphere was very warm.
宣讲会上,来自泰国北京总商会常务副主席 张静女士介绍了比赛的背景、赛制和奖项设置,并鼓励暹罗大学的同学们积极参与到比赛中来,展示自己的创新项目和创业理念。同时,大赛聚焦人工智能/虚拟现实/金融科技、医药健康、新一代信息技术、高端装备、新能源/新材料/节能环保、文化创意、农业科技/食品科技七大赛道,设置了丰厚的奖项和奖励政策。
At the presentation,Ms. Zhang Jing, executive vice president of the Beijing General Chamber of Commerce in Thailand, introduced the background, competition system and award setting of the competition, and encouraged students from Siam University to actively participate in the competition and showcase their innovative projects and entrepreneurial ideas. At the same time, the competition focuses on seven major tracks: artificial intelligence/virtual reality/financial technology, medicine and health, new generation information technology, high-end equipment, new energy/new materials/energy conservation and environmental protection, cultural creativity, agricultural technology/food technology, and sets up generous awards. and reward policies.
As the launching ceremony of the Thailand competition area, this presentation provided students with a platform to showcase their innovative projects, and also provided them with an opportunity to communicate and cooperate with international entrepreneurs. I believe that such activities will further improve Thailand’s innovation and entrepreneurship environment and bring more opportunities and challenges to students.