11月25日 下午13-14点,印度尼西亚马琅的大学来到暹罗大学进行访问,其出席人员有Dr. Sunardi, Dr. Andini Risfandini, Dr. Fitria Earlike Anwar Sani, Vichy Fathoni,暹罗大学校长助理张力博士,外事处副处长兼国际学院副院长Dr. Jidapa一同接见了他们。
Dr. Sunardi, Dr. Andini Risfandini, Dr. Fitria Earlike Anwar Sani, Vichy Fathoni, the Assistant to the President of Siam University, Dr. Tension, and Dr. Jidapa, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs and Vice Dean of International Studies, met with them on November 25 from 13-14 pm.
During the meeting, the two sides introduced their respective schools and had a full exchange of ideas on faculties and majors, which have a lot of similarities and can cooperate in holding international seminars in the future, etc.